Which two elements are combined to form candles? [A] Paraffin Wax and Stearic Acid [B] Bees Wax and Stearic Acid [C] Higher Fat Acids and Stearic Acid [D] Bees Wax and Paraffin Wax
What do you mean by Mughal Zagir? (1) providing rent-free land (2) zamindar’s property
(3) giving the officer a right to revenue
(4) giving cash salary to Mansabdar
Which of the following is a famous Assamese festival? (1) Makar Sakranti (2) Yugadi (3) Onam (4) Rongali Bihu
A box contains 2 white balls, 3 black balls and 4 red balls. The number of ways threeballs be drawn from the box if at least one black ball is to be included in the draw is ______.
निम्नलिखित में से कोनसी भिन्न सबसे छोटी है?
(a) 10/17
(b) 5/13
(c) 4/5
(d) 9/10
5000 का 8% स्टॉक 120 पर खरीदने हेतु कितने धन की आवश्यकता होगी, जबकि दलाली 2% हो?
(a) 6650
(b) 6120
(c) 6560
(d) 2350
The coins of which of the following reveal their love for music?
(1) Mauryas (2) Nandas (3) Guptas (4) Cholas
Pump Priming a term coined by Prof. J.M. Keynes is an effective tool to ....... 1) Create employment through public investment even in unproductive activities during depression in the economy 2) Control inflation through fiscal measures 3) Encourage private entrepreneurs to invest in core sectors 4) Create infrastructure in urban areas
Find the sum of prime numbers lying between 60 and 75.
The Khilji Sultans of Delhi were (1) Mongols (2) Afghans (3) Turks (4) A Jat tribe
During whose Veceroyship did the High Courts come into existence at the three presidential cities of Calcutta, Madras, and Bombay? (1) Warren Hastings (2) Lord Cornwallis (3) John Lawrence (4) Lord Dalhousie
Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh of Jaipur had not built the observatory at ____
(1) Varanasi (2) Allahabad (3) Ujjain (4) Mathura
The official court language of the Guptas was (1) Pali (2) Prakrit (3) Hindi (4) Sanskrit
Determine the degree of the extension \(\mathbb{Q} \large ( \sqrt {1 +\sqrt{-3}} \; + \sqrt{1- \sqrt{-3}} )\) over \(\mathbb{Q}\) .
How much did India contributed to the World in the manufacturing sector in
2013? –
Determine the minimal polynomial of \(\sqrt{-3} \; + \sqrt{2}\) over \(\mathbb{Q}\) .
When Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated, who said, “None will believe that a man like this in body and soul ever walked on this earth”? (1) Bertrand Russell (2) Leo Tolstoy (3) Albert Einstein (4) Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan
Abdul Fazal was the son of which Sufi saint? (1) Sheikh Mubarak (2) Hazarat Khwaja (3) Nasiruddin Chirag (4) Baba Qutubuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki
All Questions
Organic Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry
Physical Chemistry
Which of the following pairs is not matched correctly? 1) Establishment of Universities of Calcutta, Madras and Bombay - Lord Canning 2) A network of Primary Schools - Lord Mayo 3) First Census of India - Lord Lytton 4) Partition of Bengal - Lord Curjon
Which of the following is not correctly matched? (1) The Mahakaal temple Ujjain (2) Sringeri Matha Chikkmanglur district (3) The Sun Temple Konark (4) Jain temples Khajuraho
When was the League of Nations established? (1) In 1918 (2) In 1920 (3) In 1939 (4) In 1914
Which one of the following countries is not a founding member of the New Development Bank? 1) Brazil 2) Canada 3) Russia 4) India
Fa-Hien visited India during the reign of (1) Chandragupta \(\mathrm{II}\) (2) Samudragupta (3) Ramagupta (4) Kumaragupta
Cripps Mission came to India in ______ (1) 1946 (2) 1945 (3) 1942 (4) 1940
What was the Wood’s Despatch about ? (1) Industry (2) Army (3) Education (4) Agriculture
Let \(R\) be a commutative ring and \(I,J\) be ideals of \(R\). Prove that if \(I+J =R\), then \(IJ = I \cap J\) .
Which one of the following is the most lasting contribution of the Rastrakutas? (1) Kailasha Temple (2) Pampa, Ponna, Ranna, the three writers of Kannada poetry, and Kailasha Temple. (3) Patronage of Jainism (4) Conquests