Use the Intermediate Value Theorem to show that 2 has a positive square root.
Let \(G\) be a finite group. Show that the only homomorphism from \(G\) to \((\mathbb{Z} ,+)(\) or to \((\mathbb{Q} ,+)\) or to \((\mathbb{R} ,+) )\) is the zero homomorphism.
The Greek viewed “politics” on the basis of : (1) Both ethical and legalistic terms (2) Ethical terms (3) Terms of power (4) Legalistic terms
The communication satellites are invariably -
1) revolving at their own speed
2) stationary
3) geostationary
4) changing their track and speed
नोजवान भारत सभा, भिवानी की स्थापना किसने की?
(a) राधाकृष्ण वर्मा
(b) राधाकृष्ण सिंह
(c) भगवानदास
(d) राधाकृष्ण शर्मा
नदी में एक व्यक्ति किसी निश्चित बिंदु से धारा के विपरीत d किमी. दुरी तय करके वापिस उसी बिंदु तक 5 घंटे 15 मिनट में पहुच जाता है वह धारा के विपरीत 2d किमी. की दुरी 7 घंटे में तैर सकता है यदि 2d किमी. दुरी धारा की दिशा में तय करने में उसे कितना समय लगेगा?
(a) 3 घंटे 30 मिनट
(b) 2 घंटे 20 मिनट
(c) 1 घंटा 12 मिनट
(d) इनमे से कोई नही
The terminal velocity for a skydiver with an unopened parachute is about?
Japanese folk tradition and ritual, with no founder or single sacred scripture, is popularly known as (1) Taoism (2) Zoroastrianism (3) Shintoism (4) Paganism
The largest interval on which the solution of the initial value problem \(\frac{dx}{dt}=x^3\) , x(0) = 1 is defined as
(a) \(t>\frac{1}{2}\) (b) \(t<\frac{1}{2}\) (c) \(\frac{-1}{2}<t<\frac{1}{2}\) (d) −1 < t < 0
Alberuni came to India with (1) Mahmud of Ghazni (2) Alexander (3) Babur
(4) Timur
In which year Salt Satyagraha took place? (1) 1929 (2) 1930 (3) 1931 (4) 1932
Prove that
L{\(Sin{at} \)} =\(\frac{a} {(s^{2}+a^{2})},s>0\)
Who among the following is not a moderate ? (1) Pherozeshah Mehta (2) Surendranath Banerjee (3) Womesh Chandra Bonnerjee (4) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
The number of prime numbers between 0 and 50 is
Which two countries were involved in a Hundred Years War ? (1) Turkey and Austria (2) England and France (3) Palestine and Israel (4) Germany and Russia
If a group \(G \neq \{e\}\) has no nontrivial subgroups, show that \(G\) must be a finite group of prime order.
During the Second World War, which one of the following countries was not one of the three Axis Powers, which fought against the Allied Powers? (1) Germany (2) Italy (3) China (4) Japan
If a group of order \(p^n\) , where \(p\) is a prime, contains exactly one subgroup each of orders \(p,p^2, \cdots ,p^{n-1}\) , prove that it is cyclic.
All Questions
Organic Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry
Physical Chemistry
Let \(\alpha:[a,b] \mapsto A\) and \(\beta :[a,b] \mapsto B\) are closed paths in a set \(A\) that is starlike with respect to a point \(z_0\). Show that \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\) are freely homotopic in \(A\) .
The Cabinet Mission came to India in (1) 1943 (2) 1944 (3) 1945 (4) 1946
The Portuguese built their first fort on Indian soil in the territory of the Raja of (1) Calicut (2) Cochin (3) Daman (4) Bijapur
Use the Induction Theorem to show that for any natural number m, the sum m+n and the product mn are again natural for any natural number n. Thus N is closed under addition and multiplication, and consequently so is Z. (b) Which of the field axioms continue to hold for the natural numbers? (c) Which of the field axioms continue to hold for the integers?
A convex lens of glass has power P in air. If it is immersed in water, its power will be?
Who was the first Governor-General of Bengal? (1) Robert Clive (2) Warren Hastings (3) William Bentinck (4) Cornwallis
A cyclotron can accelerate___?
The first woman to preside over the UN General Assembly: (1) Rajkumari Amrit Kaur (2) Vijaylakshmi Pandit (3) Kamla Nehru (4) Indira Gandhi
The differential equation \(y''+2x(y')^2=0\), satisfying the condition y(1) = 0, y'(1) = 1
(a) has no solution
(b) has a unique solution
(c) has two distinct solutions
(d) has an infinite number of solutions