In contrast to bacteria and archaea, all protist cells have a _______, which makes protists eukaryotes. While some protists are large, most are _______; all of them live in environments that are at least moist if not fully _______.
The organisms known as phytoplankton are important to life in general for two reasons: They produce most of the world’s atmospheric _____ and they lie at the base of most aquatic _____.
The catchall term for protists that perform photosynthesis is _______.
The relationship between human beings and bacteria that are resident in the human digestive tract can be characterized as one of _______, which is to say a relationship in which both parties benefit.
Antibiotics are chemical compounds produced by one microorganism that are to another.
Name three ways that bacteria and archaea are similar life-forms.
The three domains of life are _______, _______, and Eukarya. The four kingdoms within Eukarya are composed of _______, _______,_______, and _______.
Microbes perform several activities that are critical to the maintenance of other life-forms on Earth. Name three of these activities.
In order to replicate, viruses must invade _______.
What does it mean to be a “successful” organism? Bacteria are certainly the most numerous organisms on Earth, they live in nearly all environments, and they are the least susceptible to being eliminated through environmental catastrophe. Are they Earth’s most successful organisms?
a. produce most of the world’s atmospheric oxygen.
b. make nitrogen available to plants.
c. recycle dead organic matter.
d. account for most of the world’s biomass.
e. All of the above.
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Organic Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry
Physical Chemistry