One word for ‘Partial or total loss of memory’ is: (A) Amnesia (B) Alzhemers (C) Parchisans (D) Ignormous
To haul over the coal means (A) to walk over the fire (B) to burn (C) to put to task (D) to throw into the burn
Antonym of the word boring (A) irksome (B) tedious (C) amusing (D) trival
All creatures breathe. Here breathe is a/ an ........ (A) noun (B) adjective (C) verb (D) adverb
A habit ........... (A) develops (B) occurs (C) comes up (D) forms
Pick out the collective noun in the following sentence. The police have caught the thief (A) the police (B) catch (C) theif (D) none of these
Nom de plume means (A) blind name (B) pen name (C) a bird (D) a figure of speech
1. सबसे बड़ी आंखे किस स्तनधाऱी प्राण़ी की होत़ी है?_ हिरण
A polytheist is one who believes in (A) only one god (B) in no god at all (C) in many gods (D) in one or two gods
A ...... satement is an implied comparison. (A) metaphorical (B) plain (C) euphemistic (D) categorical
He has been working here ........ 1990 (A) from (B) since (C) till (D) before
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Organic Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry
Physical Chemistry