I...... here for almost half an hour (A) am waiting (B) was saiting (C) have been waiting (D) waited
Slow and steady ....... the race (A) wins (B) is winning (C) win (D) are winning
am right, ..........? (A) amntI(B)amI(C)areI(D)arent I
......... the Panchayath president nor the members attended the meeting (A) Neither (B) either (C) Both (D) Neither of
If you had given the money, I ....... (A) had bought (B) will have bought (C) would have bought (D) shall have bought
The economics depression dealt the ........ to his business (A) coup de grace (B) coup d'etat (C) carte blanche (D) corrigendum
Manu uses internet for two hours daily. (change the voice of the verb) (A) Internet was being used for two hours daily (B) Internet was used for two hours daily (C) Internet is being used for two hours daily (D) Internet was being used for two hours daily
Many people .......... the poor a. looked ahead to b. looked forward to c. looked on to d. looked down on (A) . looked ahead to (B) looked forward to (C) looked on to (D) looked down on
One who speaks many languages (A) bilingual (B) polyglot (C) scholar (D) oligarchy
You are panting ...... (A) Have you been running (B) Are you running (C) Were you running (D) Have you run
Mary is ....... Sophia by two years (A) elder to (B) oldest (C) older to (D) old
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