Basic teaching model was developed by Robert Glaser Robert Gagne E. Thorndike B.F. Skinner
Robert Glaser
The number of components in the basic teaching model is Three Four Five Six
The ‘3M’ concept in instructional procedures refers to Methods, Message and Materials Methods, Materials and Media Methods, Media and Message Methods, Materials and Marking
The most important activity of the teacher is Questioning activity Explaining activity Demonstration activity Assignment activity
Teaching is Classroom centered Teacher centered Student centered Lab centered
Pedagogy is A child-focused teaching approach An adult-focused teaching approach A trainer-focused teaching approach An instructor-focused teaching approach
3M (MMM) does not include Methods Materials Media Message
The person associated with theory of Behaviorism is John B. Watson John Piaget George Siemens Stephen Downes
The person associated with theory of Cognitivism is John B. Watson John Piaget George Siemens Gagne
The person associated with theory of Constructivism is John B. Watson John Piaget George Siemens Gagne
The person associated with theory of Connectivism is John B. Watson John Piaget George Siemens Gagne
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