In which country, the world’s first baby with antibodies against the novel coronavirus is reported to be born? [A] India [B] USA [C] China [D] Brazil
Which country is to hold the ‘Group Arabian Sea Warfare Exercise’ near Gulf of Oman? [A] India [B] USA [C] China [D] Japan
What is ‘Ever Given’, that was making news recently? [A] Covid Vaccine Candidate [B] Cargo Ship [C] Cruise missile [D] UN resolution
The International Theatre Institute (ITI), the world’s largest performing arts organization, is headquartered in which city? [A] Rome [B] Paris [C] Geneva [D] Moscow
Which country has proposed mass culling of elephants, to reduce the population? [A] Zimbabwe [B] Nigeria [C] Brazil [D] Argentina
In 2020, India has made 40,300 requests to which social media giant to provide user data? [A] Orkut [B] Facebook [C] Twitter [D] Tik Tok
White Monument, which was making news is a 4,000-year-old war memorial, located in which country? [A] Japan [B] China [C] Syria [D] Israel
NASA is set to install new solar power arrays at which location? [A] Mars Rover [B] Venus Rover [C] ISS [D] Kennedy Space Centre
Antonio Guterres, who has been re-elected as the UN Secretary-General, belongs to which country? [A] USA [B] France [C] Portugal [D] Italy
Which country’s scientists have warned of ‘Fourth wave winter’ in the country, due to emergence of new respiratory viruses? [A] Australia [B] Russia [C] UK [D] South Africa
Which is the first country to ratify the International Solar Alliance Framework Agreement (ISA FA) [A] France [B] Denmark [C] USA [D] UAE
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