BID in pharmaceutical terms refers to which of the following? a. Twice a day b. Twice c. Every other day d. Three times a day
a. Twice a day
Latin term "Infricandus" means the following dosage form, a. to be sprayed on b. to be rubbed in c. to be swallowed d. to be eaten
Latin term "inhalateur" means the following, a. To be rubbed b. To be inhaled c. To be applied d. To be swallowed
Latin term "Utendus" means the following, a. To be used b. Not to be used
Latin term "talis / tales / talia" means the following, a. Such b. Till c. For d. All of the above
Latin term "mitte" means the following, a. Urgent b. Send c. Immediate d. Attention
'Administrative law is a law concerning the powers and procedures of administrative agencies including especially the law governing judicial review of administrative action'. This definition is given by A Ivor Jennings B K C Davis C H WR Wade D Cessare Becarria.
Which of the following is FALSE statement? A the primary function of administrative law is to restrict the governmental powers B the administrative law seeks to protect private interest and rights from encroachment of State C Administrative law governs relation between Government and citizens D Administrative law is the law concerning organisation and functions of government at rest.
Which of the following is not the meaning of 'Rule of law' according to A V Dicey A Supremacy of law B Equality before law C Pre-dominance of legal spirit D Wide discretionary powers
A V Dicey criticized which legal system? A English legal system B French legal system C Australian legal system D American legal system
Which one of the following is NOT the drawback concept of Rule of Law as given by A V Dicey A Failure to distinguish between arbitrary power discretionary power B Misunderstood the real nature of droit administratif C Did not recognise the existence of Administrative law in England D did not support supremacy of law
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