The organic relationship between the ancient culture of the Indus Valley and Hinduism of today is proved by the worship of (1) Pashupati, Indra and the Mother Goddess (2) Stones, trees, and animals (3) Vishnu and Lakshmi (4) Siva and Sakti
How was Burma (now Myanmar) known to ancient Indians? (1) Malayamandalam (2) Yavadwipa (3) Suvarnabhumi (4) Suvarnadwipa
With whom is ‘Junagarh RockInscription’ associated? (1) Rudradaman (2) Bimbisara (3) Chandragupta II (4) Gautamiputra Satakarni
Nalanda University was a great centre of learning, especially in (1) Buddhism (2) Jainism (3) Vaishnavism (4) Tantra
The Rathas of Mahabalipuram was built during the reign of the (1) Palas (2) Cholas (3) Rashtrakutas (4) Pallavas
Who is hailed as the “God of Medicine” by the practitioners of Ayurveda? (1) Susruta (2) Chyavana (3) Dhanwantari (4) Charaka
Which was the only Indus site with an artificial brick dockyard? (1) Lothal (2) Kalibangan (3) Harappa (4) Mohenjo Daro
Which dynasty succeeded the Chalukyas in Western India? (1) Cholas (2) Kakatiyas (3) Pallavas (4) Rashtrakutas
Up to where did Chandragupta Maurya’s empire extends in the north-west? (1) Ravi river (2) Indus river (3) Satluj river (4) Hindukush range
Prince Ellara conquered Sri Lanka in the second century BC. With which of the following dynasties of Dravida ruler was he associated? (1) Chera (2) Chola (3) Pandya (4) Pallava
Harshavardhana organized his religious assembly at (1) Mathura (2) Prayag (3) Varanasi (4) Tamralipt
All Questions
Organic Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry
Physical Chemistry