6th century B.C. was an age of (1) Reasoning (2) Intellectual awakening (3) Political unrest (4) Religious ferment
Which of the following countries has asked India to return the famous ‘Dancing Girl’ statue from Mohenjodaro? (1) Bangladesh (2) Bhutan (3) China (4) Pakistan
Who is the founder of Jainism in India? (1) Gautama (2) Mahavira (3) Chandragupta (4) Ashoka
Who compiled the tales of “The Panchatantra”? (1) Valmiki (2) Veda Vyasa (3) Vishnu Sharma (4) Tulsidas
Ajanta Caves were built during period of (1) Gupta (2) Kushana (3) Maurya (4) Chalukya
Which was the backbone of the Indus Economy?
(1) Agriculture (2) Trade (3) Wheel Made Pottery (4) Carpentry
The author of ‘Arthashastra’ was a contemporary of (1) Ashoka (2) Chandragupta Maurya (3) Samudragupta (4) Chandragupta Vikramaditya
Which one of the following was the book written by Amoghvarsha the Rashtrakuta King ? (1) Adipurana (2) Ganitasara Samgraha (3) Saktayana (4) Kavirajamarga
Who built the Kailasanatha Temple at Ellora? (1) Rajendra \(\mathrm{I}\) (2) Mahendra Varman \(\mathrm{I}\) (3) Krishna \(\mathrm{I}\) (4) Govinda \(\mathrm{I}\)
The land measures of the Second Pandyan Empire was mentioned in
(1) Thalavaipuram Copper Platces (2) Uttirameru Inscription (3) Kudumiyammalai Inscription (4) Kasadudi Copper Plates
Who was the greatest ruler of the Satavahanas? (1) Satkami \(\mathrm{I}\) (2) Gautamiputra Satkarni (3) Simuka (4) Hala
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