Who composed the Allahabad Pillar inscription?
(1) Harisena (2) Mahasena (3) Veerasena (4) Vishnusena
Who built the famous Shiva temple at Ellora?
(1) Rashtrakuta Ruler Krishna \(\mathrm{I}\) (2) Mauryan Emperor Ashoka (3) Gupta King Samudra Gupta (4) Chalukyan King Pulikeshi \(\mathrm{II}\)
Which of the Kushana ruler patronized Buddhism?
(1) Ashoka (2) Vikramaditya (3) Kanishka (4) Kautilya
Which of the following was the early capital of the Rashtrakutas? (1) Sopara (2) Ellora (3) Vatapi (4) Ajanta
Whose army did Alexander, the Greek ruler confront on the banks of the river Jhelum? (1) Chandragupta Maurya (2) Ambi (3) Dhanananda (4) Porus
Find the odd one : (1) Samveda (2) Yajurveda (3) Vishnu Purana (4) Rigveda
Which Indian ruler fought the Kalinga War? (1) Samudragupta (2) Chandragupta (3) Shivaji (4) Ashoka
Name the Republic which was a confederacy of tribes in the 6th century B.C. (1) Gandhara (2) Vajji (3) Kosala (4) Avanti
A collective term used by the Jains for their sacred books is (1) Prabandhas (2) Angas (3) Nibandhas (4) Charits
In which of the following mudra did Gautam Buddha delivered his first sermon at Sarnath? (1) Abhaya Mudra (2) Dhyana Mudra (3) Dharmachakra Mudra (4) Bhumisparsa Mudra
Kamarup is an ancient name of which region of India? (1) Bihar (2) Rajasthan (3) Karnataka (4) Assam
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