Under whose leadership was the Chittagong Armoury Raid organised?
(1) Sukhdev (2)Bhagat Singh (3) Surya Sen (4)Rajguru
Who was the ruler of Delhi when Ahmad Shah Abdali defeated the Marathas in the Third Battle of Panipat in 1761?
(1) Alamgir \(\mathrm{I}\) (2) Muhammad Shah (3) Jahandar Shah (4) Shah Alam \(\mathrm{II}\)
(1) Sukhdev (2) Bhagat Singh (3) Surya Sen (4) Rajguru
Jallianwala incident took place at (1) Allahabad (2)Lucknow (3) Surat (4) Amritsar
The Battle of Plassey was fought in year (1) 1775 (2) 1757 (3) 1761 (4) 1576
Mahatma Gandhi began his political activities in India first from : (1) Dandi (2) Kheda (3) Sabarmati (4) Champaran
Raja Ram Mohan Roy was the founder of : (1) Arya Samaj (2) Ram Krishna Mission (3) Brahmo Samaj (4) Prathna Samaj
Who was the Indian women president of the United Nations General Assembly?
(1) Sarojini Naidu (2) Margret Thatcher (3) Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit (4) Golda Mayer
In which year was the Indian National Congress formed :
(1) 1885 (2) 1875 (3) 1901 (4) 1835
Who initiated the movement to form the India Nations Congress : (1) Annie Besant (2) A.O. Hume (3) W.C. Banerjee (4) Gandhi Ji
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