Who was the first Calipha (1) Sulaiman, the Great (2) Abu Bakr (3) Iman Hussain (4) Constantine
In which country is Karabla, the holy city of Shia Muslims located ? (1) Iran (2) Iraq (3) Jordan (4) Syria
The city of “Tashkent” is located in (1) Uzbekistan (2) Kazakhstan (3) Russia (4) Kyrgystan
Independence movement of Vietnam was headed by
(1) Ngo Dinh Diem (2) Zhou Enlai (3) Pol Pot (4) Ho Chi Minh
Which one country is still governed by a monarch ?
(1) Afghanistan (2) Iran (3) Iraq (4) Saudi Arabia
Japan’s Parliament is known as (1) Diet (2) Dail (3) Yuan (4) Shora
The currency of Thailand is (1) Bhat (2) Rupiah (3) Yuan (4) Yen
1911 Revolution of China resulted in (1) Establishment of a Republic (2) Reudalism (3) Democracy (4) Increased problems of people
East Timor, in Indonesian Archipelago, was the former colony of
(1) Dutch (2) English (3) French (4) Portuguese
The world’s oldest continuously inhabited city is (1) Jerusalem (2) Baghdad (3) Istanbul (4) Damascus
Zend-Avesta is the sacred book of the (1) Parsees (2) Jains (3) Jews (4) Buddhists
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