According to Marx, the source of value is (1) Capital (2) Land (3) Labour (4) None of the above
“The word impossible is found in the dictionary of fools” was the famous quote of : (1) Hitler (2) Alexander the Great (3) Julius Caesar (4) Napoleon
“What is the Third Estate ?” pamphlet associated with the French Revolution, was written by : (1) Marquis-Lafayette (2) Edmund Burke (3) Joseph Foulon (4) Abbe Sieyes
Which of the following countries is regarded as the home of ‘Fabian Socialism’?
(1) Russia (2) England (3) France (4) Italy
The Crimean War came to an end by the (1) Treaty of Trianon (2) Treaty of Versailles (3) Treaty of Paris (4) Treaty of St. Germain
Who amongst the following was not associated with the Unification of Italy ?
(1) Cavour (2) Garibaldi (3) Mussolini (4) Mazzini
Who among the following played a prominent role during the “Reign of Terror” in France ? (1) Voltaire (2) Marat (3) Robespierre (4) Montesquieu
Who discovered the sea route to India ? (1) Vasco-da-gama (2) Columbus (3) Magellen (4) Bartho-lomev-Dias
Potato was introduced to Europe by : (1) Portuguese (2)Germans (3) Spanish (4) Dutch
Marxian materialism came from the idea of (1) Hegel (2) Feuerbach (3) Darwin (4) Engels
Napoleon got finally overthrown in the Battle of Waterloo in the year (1) 1814 (2) 1813 (3) 1815 (4) 1816
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