In sewers the effect of scouring is more on
(A) horizontal side
(B) top side
(C) bottom side
(D) all sides
A commonly used handpump is
(A) axial flow pump
(B) centrifugal pump
(C) rotary pump
(D) reciprocating pump
Turbidity is measured on
(A) platinum cobalt scale
(B) standard platinum scale
(C) standard cobalt scale
(D) standard silica scale
pH value of water indicates
(A) acidity of alkalinity
(B) turbidity
(C) chloride content
(D) hardness
The distribution mains are designed for
(A) maximum daily demand
(B) maximum hourly demand on maximum day
(C) maximum hourly demand
(D) average daily demand
The controlling design parameter in the design of all setting tanks is
(A) depth
(B) percent removal of suspended solids
(C) overflow rate
(D) detention time
With self cleansing velocity in sewers
(A) silting occurs at bottom
(B) neither silting nor scouring occurs at bottom
(C) both silting and scouring occur at bottom
(D) scouring occurs at bottom
Permanent hardness of water can be removed by
(A) adding alum
(B) adding chlorine
(C) boiling
(D) lime soda process
Which one of the following causes cumulative poisoning by water?
(A) lead
(B) iron
(C) barium
(D) manganese
Meyer's and Rohwer's formula are used to determine.
(A) evaporation
(B) average rainfall over a basin
(C) transpiration
(D) precipitation
Colorimetric method of testing water is to determine
(A) turbidity
(B) hardness
(C) chlorides
(D) pH value
All Questions
Organic Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry
Physical Chemistry