The station consisting of a block hut only and having home and warner signals is classified as
(A) A class station
(B) B class station
(C) C class station
(D) D class station
Rail section is generally designated by its
(A) area of its cross section
(B) weight per metre length
(C) total length
(D) total weight
The longitudinal movement of the rails in a track is known as
(A) buckling
(B) creeping
(C) hogging
(D) tilting
Blowfish is a type of -
1) Symmetric Encryption Algorithm
2) Hashing Algorithm
3) Digital Signature Algorithm
4) Asymmetric Encryption Algorithm
What does XML stand for?
1) Example Markup Language
2) Extensible Markup Language
3) X Markup Language
4) Extra Modern Link
Which is not a type of secondary memory?
1) Solid State Drive
2) Hard Disk
3) Random Access Memory (RAM)
4) USB Pen Drive
IPv6 protocol defines an IP address of -
1) 32 bit
2) 64 bit
3) 128 bit
4) 256 bit
A social network can be represented as -
1) Graph
2) Tree
3) Star
4) Ring
Who among the following is known as the father of computing?
1) Charles Babbage
2) Tim Berners Lee
3) Philip Don Estridge
4) James Gosling
Which of the following keyboard shortcuts displays the start menu in the Windows operating system?
1) Ctrl + Z
2) Alt + Spacebar
3) Ctrl + Esc
4) Alt + Enter
A system program designed to aid the programmer in finding and correcting errors or bugs is known as -
1) Evaluator
2) Debugger
3) Quarantiner
4) Corrector
All Questions
Organic Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry
Physical Chemistry