Which of the following is an essential element of the state?
(1) Sovereignty
(2) Government
(3) Territory
(4) All these
Which is the most important system in Democracy?
(1) Social
(2) Political
(3) Economic
(4) Governmental
Where do we find the ideals of Indian democracy in the Constitution?
(1) The Preamble
(2) Part III
(3) Part IV
(4) Part I
The state operates through :
(1) Political Party
(2) Party President
(3) Government
(4) President
When was the first Central Legislative Assembly constituted?
(1) 1922
(2) 1923
(3) 1921
(4) 1920
The Constitution of India, describes India as :
(1) A Federation
(2) A quasi-federal
(3) Unitary
(4) Union of states
The concept of “Rule of Law” is a special feature of the constitutional system of
(1) Britain
(2) U.S.A.
(3) France
(4) Switzerland
The method of amending the Constitution by popular veto is found in
(2) Switzerland
(3) Russia
(4) India
Which of the following is the inalienable attribute of the parliamentary system of government?
(1) Flexibility of the Constitution
(2) Fusion of Executive and Legislature
(3) Judicial Supremacy
(4) Parliamentary Sovereignty
Grassroots democracy is related to
(1) Devolution of powers
(2) Decentralisation of powers
(3) Panchayati Raj System
(4) All of the above
The phrase “equality before the law” used in Article-14 of Indian Constitution has been borrowed from _____
(1) U.S.A.
(2) Germany
(3) Britain
(4) Greece
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