A writ of Mandamus can be issued by the Supreme Court to
(1) an official to perform a public duty
(2) the Prime Minister to dissolve the Cabinet
(3) the company to raise wages
(4) the Government to pay the salaries to employees
How many Fundamental Duties are included in Indian Constitution?
(1) Nine
(2) Ten
(3) Eleven
(4) Twelve
The right to vote in elections to a Parliament is a
(1) Fundamental Right
(2) Constitutional Right
(3) Legal Right
(4) Natural Right
Which of the following is not a ‘Fundamental Right’?
(1) Right to Equality
(2) Right to Property
(3) Right to Freedom
(4) Right to Constitutional Remedies
The Fundamental Rights in our Constitution are inspired by the Constitution of
(1) United States of America
(2) United Kingdom
(3) Switzerland
(4) Canada
Under the Constitution, the power to issue a writ of Habeas Corpus is vested in
(1) High Courts alone
(2) Supreme Court alone
(3) Both Supreme Court and High Courts
(4) All Courts down to the District Courts
Which of the following is a bulwark of personal freedom?
(1) Mandamus
(2) Habeas corpus
(3) Quo-Warranto
(4) Certiorari
The writs for the enforcement of Fundamental Rights are issued by
(1) The Parliament
(2) The President
(3) The Supreme Court
(4) The Election Commission
Evaluate the following statements :
(I) The legal interpretation of equality is chiefly influenced by equality before law and equal protection of
(II) Equality before the law means rule of law
(1) I is correct but II is incorrect
(2) II is correct but I is incorrect
(3) Both are correct
(4) Both are incorrect
A writ issued by the Supreme Court compelling a quasi-judicial/public authority to perform its mandatory duty is
(1) Quo warranto
(2) Mandamus
(3) Certiorari
(4) Prohibition
By which of the following modes can citizenship be acquired ?
i. By Birth
ii. Hereditary
iii. By Registration
iv. By Request
(1) i and ii
(2) i, ii, and iii
(3) ii and iii
(4) iv, ii, and iii
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