LCM and HCF of two numbers are 48 and 8 respectively. If one of the numbers is 16, the second number is
January 7, 1992 was Tuesday. Find the day of the week on the same date after 5 years, i.e., on January 7, 1997?
My watch gains 5 minutes, in every hour. How many degrees the second hand moves in every minute?
What was the day of the week of 1st January 2001?
May 6, 1993 was Thursday. What day of the week was on May 6, 1992?
January 1, 1995 was a Sunday. What day of the week lies on January 1, 1996?
How often between 11 o’clock and 12 o’clock are the hands of a clock in integral number of minutes apart?
How many times do the hands of a clock point towards each other in a day?
If the first day of the year 1991 was Tuesday. What day of the week must have been on 1st January, 1998?
Today is Tuesday. After 62 days it will be
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Organic Chemistry
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Physical Chemistry