Which of the following can cause a tsunami?
(1) Volcano
(2) Avalanche
(3) Tornado
(4) Earthquake
The coastal part of water bodies of the oceans which is structurally part of the mainland of the continents is called
(1) isthmus
(2) oceanic ridge
(3) continental shelf
(4) continental slope
Mariana Trench is found
(1) Atlantic Ocean
(2) Pacific Ocean
(3) Indian Ocean
(4) Arctic Ocean
Which one of the following ocean currents do not occur in AtAtlantic Ocean?
(1) Gulf stream
(2) Brazil current
(3) Peru current
(4) Canary current
The main cause of Tsunami is :
(1) Volcanoes
(2) Cyclones
(3) Earthquake on the sea floor
(4) Moon’s attraction
Tides are caused by the gravitational pull of the
(1) Earth on the Moon
(2) Earth on the Sun
(3) Sun and Moon on the Earth
(4) Moon on the Earth
Tides in the sea are caused by
(1) effect of Sun
(2) effect of Moon
(3) eombined effect of Moon and Sun
(4) gravitational force of Earth and Sun
Seawater is saltier than rainwater because
(1) rivers wash away salts from the earth and pour them into the sea
(2) sea beds have salt-producing mines
(3) sea animals are salt-producing
(4) the air around the sea is saltish
In the sea, plants are restricted up to the depth of
(1) 20 m
(2) 200 m
(3) 1000 m
(4) 2000 m
El Nino occurs over
(2) Indian Ocean
(3) Pacific Ocean
(4) Mediterranean Sea
The Sargasso sea is situated in the :
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Organic Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry
Physical Chemistry