Which of the following methods does not help in conserving soil fertility and moisture?
(1) Contour plowing
(2) Dry farming
(3) Strip cropping
(4) Shifting agriculture
Which one of the following methods of soil conservation is most effective in arid areas?
(1) Mulching
(2) Shelterbelt
(3) Gully plugging
(4) Terracing
Which one of the following does not cause soil erosion?
(1) Deflation
(2) Deforestation
(3) Weathering
(4) Overcroppin
Soil erosion on hill slopes can be checked by
(1) Afforestation
(2) Terrace cultivation
(4) Contour ploughing
The crop mainly grown in hills is :
(1) sweet corn
(2) sweet jowar
(3) sweet potato
(4) sweet pea
Which one of the following practices is adopted for restoring the fertility of soil?
(1) Weeding
(2) Levelling
(3) Fallowing
(4) Harrowing
Which is a tropical food crop requiring a temperature of 270 C and a rainfall of more than 100 cm?
(1) Wheat
(2) Maize
(3) Rice
(4) Barley
Coffee is a
(1) Sub-tropical shrub
(2) Warm temperate shrub
(3) Tropical shrub
(4) Cool temperate shrub
Contour plowing helps in
(1) stopping floods
(2) growing crops
(3) soil conservation
(4) checking landslides
Black soil is mainly related to the crop of
(1) cotton
(2) sugarcane
(3) tea
(4) coffee
Humus is a type of
(1) fossil seen on the rocks
(2) decaying organic matters in soil
(3) fertilizers applied in soil
(4) special growth found in plants
All Questions
Organic Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry
Physical Chemistry