\(87^{2002} \) find last 3 digit .
Find last 2 digit :
Find remainder :-
Find Reminder:
Find reminder
Find remainder
Find the value of remainder
Find the value of remainder:
Find remainder:
\( \frac{23^{722}+24^{722}}{25}\)
Find the Remainder:
Remiander =\(\frac{13^{127}}{49}\)
Find remiander :
Find the no of zeros :\(4\times8\times12\times16\times----\times800\)
Find the no. Of zeros:
All Questions
Organic Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry
Physical Chemistry
Evaluate :
∫2xcos(x2 – 5).dx
If the sum of 14 terms of an A. P is 1050 its first term is 10 find 20th term ?
Diagonals of a quadrilateral 30 cm long and the perpendicular drawn from the opposite vertices are 5.6 and 7.4 cm find the area of the quadrilateral.with steps ?
Find the sum of the integers between 10 and 30 including 10 and 30 which are not divisible by 3.
A cyclic quadrilateral pqrs are where PS equals to PQ and angle SPQ is 70 degree find angle psq