The Adolescence word derived from Latin French Hindi Sanskrit
The number of stages in human life is Four stages Five stages Six stages Seven stages
The category of student type which is responsible for problems in the classroom is Compliant Heroes Snipers Dependents
The most important problem of a student for the teacher is Inferiority complex Excessive sleepiness Superiority complex No interest in academics
Bullying is Absenteeism Poor Academic Performance Skipping Classes Hurting/Disturbing Behaviour
A Psychological test is intended to measure Introvert or extrovert behaviour Normal or abnormal behaviour Covert or overt behaviour Voluntary or involuntary behaviour
The two components used for standardising a psychological test are Validity and Functionality Functionality and Stability Reliability and Validity Reliability and Modality
The term which best describes the consistency of measurement is Reliability Validity Subjectivity Objectivity
The number of ways in which Reliability of a standardised test can be obtained is 6 ways 2 ways 3 ways 5 ways
The validity of a measure refers to the Accuracy with which it measures the construct Particular type of construct specification Comprehensiveness with which it measures the construct Consistency of the measurement
The first and foremost criteria in selection of a psychology test is Who will be tested Stimulus and response demands of the test Content to be tested Standardisation
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