For the initial value problem
The largest interval of existence of the solution predicted by Picard’s theorem is:
(a) [0, 1] (b) [0, 12 ] (c) [0, 13 ] (d) [0, 14 ]
Consider the ODE y′=f(y(x)). If f is an even function and y is an odd function, then
(a) −y(−x)is also a solution.
(b)y(−x)is also a solution.
(c) −y(x) is also a solution.
(d) y(x)y(−x) is also a solution.
Let y:[o,∞)→[0,∞)be a continuously differentiable function satisfying
y(t)=y(0)+∫t0y(s)ds, for t≥0.
(a) y2(t)=y2(0)=∫t0y2(s)ds.
(b) y2(t)=y2(0)+2∫t0y2(s)ds.
(c) y2(t)=y2(0)+∫t0y(s)ds.
(d) y2(t)=y2(0)+(∫t0y(s)ds)2+2y(0)∫t0y(s)ds.
Let u(t) be a continuously differentiable function taking non-negative values for t > 0 and satisfying u′(t)=4u34(t);u(0)=0.Then
(a) u(t)=0.
(b) u(t)=t4
(c) u(t)={0for0<t<1,(t−1)4fort≥1
(d) u(t)={0for0<t<10,(t−10)4fort≥10
Consider the integral equation
Then the value of y(1) is
(a) 1920 (b) 1 (c) 1720 (d) 2120
Let (x(t), y(t)) satisfy the system of ODEs
If (x1(t),y1(t))and(x2(t),y2(t)) are two solutions andΦ(t)=x1(t)y2(t)−x2(t)y1(t),, then dΦdtis equal to
a) −2Φ (b) 2Φ (c) −Φ (d) Φ
Consider the initial value problem
Which of the following statements are necessarily true?
(a) There exists a continuous functionf:R→R and a∈R such that the above problem does not have a solution in any neighbourhood of 0.
(b) The problem has a unique solution for every a∈R, when f is Lipschitz continuous.
(c) When is twice continuously differentiable, the maximal interval of existence for the above initial value problem is R.
(d) The maximal interval of existence for the above problem isR, when is bounded and continuously differentiable.
Suppose x : [0,∞) → [0,∞) is continuous and x(0) = 0. If
x(t)≤2+∫t0x(s)ds,forallt≥0, for all t ≥ 0,
then which of the following is true?
(a) x( √ 2) ∈ [0, 2]
(b) x( √ 2) ∈ [0, 2e√2]
(c) x( √ 2) ∈ [5√2,7√2]
(d) x( √ 2) ∈ [10,∞)
Consider the ODE
Then Limt→∞y(t) belongs to
(a) {−1, 0} (b) {−1, 2} (c) {0, 2} (d) {0, +∞}
Consider the ordinary differential equation
y'= y(y − 1)(y − 2). Which of the following statements is true?
(a) If y(0) = 0.5, then y is decreasing.
(b) If y(0) = 1.2, then y is increasing.
(c) If y(0) = 2.5, then y is unbounded.
(d) If y(0) < 0, then y is bounded below.
Assume that a:[0,∞)→R is a continuous function. Consider the ordinary differential equation:
Which of the following statements are true?
(a) If ∫∞0|a(x)|dx<+∞, then y is bounded.
(b) If ∫∞0 |a(x)|dx < +∞, then Limx→∞ y(x) exists.
(c) If Limx→∞ a(x) = 1, then Limx→∞|y(x)| = ∞.
(d) If Limx→∞ a(x) = 1, then y is monotone.
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