Let X be a topological space and Y be a topological space with ordered topology. Let f,g:X→Y be continuous functions. Show that the set U:={x∈X:f(x)>g(x)} is open in X.
Prove: Composition of continuous functions is continuous.
Let X:=[0,1] and A0:={0},An:=[1/n,1]. Then the function f:[0,1]→Rgiven by f(0)=1,f(x)=1/x(0<x≤1) is discontinuous at 0. However, f|An is continuous for every n≥0.
Show that the function g:(0,1)→R given below is continuous on irrationals and discontinuous on rationals:
g(x)=1qifx∈Q∩(0,1)and x=pq in reduced
form = 0 otherwise.
We say that a set is a Gδ set if it is countable intersection of open sets.
Show that a bijective continuous map from a compact metric space into a metric space sends closed sets to closed sets, and hence it is a homeomorphism.
Define f:R→[0,1] by f(x)=x if |x|≤1, and f(x)=1|x| if |x|≥1. Then f is continuous on R. Note that f is onto but not one-one.
Show that the interval (a,b)⊆R is homeomorphic to any other interval (c,d)⊆R.
Show that e−x is a homeomorphism from (0,∞) onto (0,1).
Which of spaces X and Y are homeomorphic:
(1) X=R and Y=[0,1)
(2) X=R and Y=[0,1]
(3) X=[1,∞) and Y=(0,1]
(4) X=R and Y=(0,1)
(5) X=Q and Y=Q
(6) X={(x,y,z)∈R3:x2+y2=z,r<z<R} and Y=A(0,r,R)
(7) X={x∈Rn+1:xn+1=0} and Y=Rn
Verify that ϕ(t)=eit is a homeomorphism between (0,2π) and T∖{1}, where T denotes the unit circle in the complex plane. Conclude that unit circle minus a point is homeomorphic to the real line.
Show that X=A(0,r,R) (open annulus) and Y=T(unit circle) are not homeomorphic
Let X=Sn∖{(0,…,1)}⊆Rn+1 and Y=Rn , and define
f:X→Y and g:Y→X by
Verify that f and g are homeomorphisms such that f−1=g.
Show that the graph G of a continuous function f:X→Y (with the subspace topology inherited from X×Y ) is homeomorphic to X.
Consider the continuous function f:R∖{0}→R by f(x)=1/x. The graph of f is the hyperbola xy=1. One may conclude from the last exercise that R∖{0} is homeomorphic to xy=1.
Consider the metric spaces (Xi,di),i=1,⋯,m. Check that d(x,y)=maxidi(xi,yi) defined on X=Πmi=1Xi is a metric. The metric topology coincides with the product topology on X. This may be concluded from the fact that for x=(x1,⋯,xm),Bd(x,r)=Πmi=1Bdi(xi,r).
Show that projections πj:Πmi=1Xi→Xj is continuous.
Verify that Bb and Bp are basis for a topology on ΠmαXα:
(1) Bb={Πα∈IUα:UαisopeninXα} .
(2) Bb={Πα∈IUα∈Bb:Uα=Xα for finitely many values of α}.
Suppose that each Xα contains a non-empty proper open subset Uα. Show that ΩBp=ΩBb iff I has finite cardinality.
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